PALS Course
To schedule a PALS class:
1. Please select course type: initial, renewal or with BLS, choose manual (if needed)
2. Choose and click an available date on the calendar (highlighted in green) .
3. Click an available time shown below the calendar.
4. Check out by clicking the blue “book now” button below.
- 150 $
- 130 $
- 195 $
- 170 $
- 65 $
- 55 $
- 0 $
Course Description
The Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) is a classroom, Instructor-led course uses a series of videos and simulated pediatric emergencies to reinforce the important concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, effective resuscitation, and team dynamics.
The goal of the PALS Course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children, resulting in improved outcomes.
Course Content
- High-quality Child CPR AED and Infant CPR
- Recognition of patients who do and do not require immediate intervention
- Recognition of cardiopulmonary arrest early and application of CPR within 10 seconds
- Apply team dynamics
- Differentiation between respiratory distress and failure
- Early interventions for respiratory distress and failure
- Differentiation between compensated and decompensated (hypotensive) shock
- Early interventions for the treatment of shock
- Differentiation between unstable and stable patients with arrhythmias
- Clinical characteristics of instability in patients with arrhythmias
- Post–cardiac arrest management
Certification & Pricing
Same Day Certification Card
- PALS Initial Course Fee: $145.00
- PALS Renewal/Update: $125.00
- PALS Initial & BLS Combo: $190.00
- PALS Renewal & BLS Combo: $165.00
- PALS Student Manual: $58.00